Dental Veneers by Blauer Family Dental in Spearfish SD

Helen always makes you feel welcome. After a short, but comfortable wait Jackie called me in for my routine cleaning. She is excellent with making you feel at ease. You certainly do not have to dread going to this Dentist office
— Michael Coy

Dental health and aesthetics go hand in hand. At Blauer Family Dental in Spearfish SD, we strive to provide not only health-oriented dental services but also those that enhance your smile's aesthetics. One of our most sought-after services in this regard is Dental Veneers. If you've been considering getting veneers but are unsure about the process, benefits, or suitability for you, this blog post aims to provide a comprehensive guide on the topic.

What are Dental Veneers?

Dental veneers are thin, custom-made shells crafted of tooth-colored materials designed to cover the front surface of teeth to improve appearance. Typically made from porcelain or resin composite materials, veneers are permanently bonded to the teeth.

The Benefits of Dental Veneers

  • Enhanced Appearance: One of the primary reasons individuals opt for dental veneers is to enhance the look of their teeth. Veneers can transform teeth that are stained, chipped, worn down, or misaligned into a dazzling smile.

  • Durability: With proper care, dental veneers can last up to 15 years, making them a long-term solution for many dental cosmetic issues.

  • Customization: Each veneer is custom-made to fit your individual teeth, ensuring a natural look and feel.

  • Stain Resistance: Porcelain veneers are resistant to stains, which means your teeth can remain bright and white, even if you enjoy coffee, tea, or wine regularly.


The Process of Getting Dental Veneers at Blauer Family Dental

Great group of dedicated people.
— JoAnn Ice

Step 1: Consultation Your journey begins with a thorough consultation. This is where we discuss your needs, answer your queries, and evaluate if veneers are suitable for you.

Step 2: Preparing the Tooth A small amount of enamel (typically 0.5mm) is removed from the tooth surface to make space for the veneer. An impression of your teeth is then taken, which will be sent to a lab to craft your veneers.

Step 3: Bonding Once the veneers are ready, they are temporarily placed on your teeth to check the fit and color. Any necessary adjustments are made. Your teeth are then cleaned, polished, and etched (roughened) to allow for a strong bonding process. Special cement is applied to the veneer, and it is then placed on your tooth. Once positioned correctly, a special light beam is used to activate the cement, causing it to harden quickly.

Step 4: Follow-Up After the procedure, a follow-up visit ensures everything is well and to see if any final adjustments are needed.

Caring for Your Dental Veneers

Just like your natural teeth, veneers require proper care:

  • Maintain good oral hygiene with regular brushing and flossing.

  • Avoid chewing hard objects or foods.

  • Avoid clenching and grinding your teeth. If you do, consider wearing a night guard.


Why Choose Blauer Family Dental for Your Veneers?

I have finally found a dentist that cares about you and your health. Thank You so much, Dr. Blauer for your patience and understanding.
— Tangia Whitney

At Blauer Family Dental, we pride ourselves on providing top-tier dental services:

  • Expertise: Our team is trained in the latest techniques and tools, ensuring you get the best service possible.

  • Individualized Care: We take time to understand your needs and provide solutions that are tailored for you.

  • Cutting-Edge Technology: We employ the latest dental technology, guaranteeing effective and efficient procedures.

  • Comfort: Our clinic is designed to ensure you have a relaxing and comfortable experience.

In conclusion, dental veneers are an excellent choice for those looking to enhance their smile. They provide a long-lasting and natural-looking solution to various dental cosmetic concerns. If you're considering dental veneers, Blauer Family Dental in Spearfish SD is equipped and ready to guide you through your transformation journey. Book a consultation with us today and take the first step towards a radiant smile!