Night guards in Spearfish SD


The Ultimate Solution for Teeth Protection at Blauer Family Dental

Dr. Blauer and his staff are terrific!
— Ben Cerwinske

Tossing and turning in your sleep, you might not realize the toll that nighttime clenching or grinding is taking on your dental health. Bruxism, as this condition is known, can cause headaches, jaw pain, and even damaged teeth. Thankfully, Spearfish residents have an expert solution available: Custom Night Guards provided by Blauer Family Dental, the trusted Spearfish dentist.

What Are Night Guards?

Night guards are custom-made dental appliances that fit over your teeth. They are designed to protect your teeth from the effects of clenching or grinding during sleep. Made of durable, soft material, night guards cushion the upper and lower teeth, preventing direct contact and alleviating the stress placed on them.

Why Do You Need a Night Guard?

  1. Protecting Your Teeth: Constant grinding can wear down the enamel on your teeth, leading to increased sensitivity and making them more susceptible to cavities.

  2. Preventing TMJ Disorders: The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) connects your jaw to the skull. Excessive grinding or clenching can strain this joint, leading to pain or even TMJ disorders.

  3. Reducing Headaches: The stress and strain from bruxism often result in tension headaches or migraines.

  4. Preventing Broken Fillings and Crowns: The force exerted during clenching can damage dental restorations like fillings or crowns.


Why Choose Blauer Family Dental in Spearfish SD for Your Night Guard?

Personalized Solutions

Great group of dedicated people.
— JoAnn Ice

Every mouth is unique. At Blauer Family Dental, night guards are tailored to your specific dental structure, ensuring a snug and comfortable fit. This personal touch is crucial in ensuring maximum protection and ease of use.

Experienced Dental Professionals

The team at Blauer Family Dental has years of experience treating bruxism and related dental issues. Their expertise guarantees a high-quality night guard and comprehensive dental care that addresses the root causes of your condition.

State-of-the-Art Equipment

Modern dental technology ensures that your night guard is crafted with precision. Blauer Family Dental's advanced digital imaging and molding techniques ensure that every night guard is a perfect fit.

Commitment to Patient Care

Blauer Family Dental is not just about dental solutions; it's about relationships. The team is deeply committed to the well-being and satisfaction of their patients, offering post-fitting check-ups and adjustments as needed.

How Is a Night Guard Made?

  1. Consultation: The process begins with a thorough dental check-up and consultation. This helps determine your condition's severity and the best treatment approach.

  2. Impression Taking: A mold or digital scan of your teeth is taken. This will be the blueprint for crafting your custom night guard.

  3. Crafting the Night Guard: Using state-of-the-art equipment, your night guard is crafted to match the impressions precisely.

  4. Fitting Session: Once crafted, you will have a fitting session to ensure that the night guard sits perfectly. Any necessary adjustments are made during this session.


Caring for Your Night Guard

My dentist office for as long as I can remember. Always helpful and my smile is amazing thanks to them.
— Kelly Hitson
  • Clean your night guard daily with mild soap and water. Avoid using toothpaste, as it can be abrasive.

  • Store your night guard in its protective case when not in use to keep it safe from damage or contamination.

  • Bring your night guard to your regular dental check-ups at Blauer Family Dental, so your dentist can inspect it for wear and tear.

Rest Assured with the Best Protection

Night guards are more than just dental accessories. They invest in your health, well-being, and peace of mind. And when getting the best night guards in Spearfish SD, there's no better place than Blauer Family Dental.

Their commitment to excellence, combined with state-of-the-art technology and a personalized approach, ensures you get the best possible protection against the harmful effects of bruxism. Sleep soundly, knowing your teeth are in safe hands at Blauer Family Dental in Spearfish SD.

Contact Us Today

To learn more about night guards and how they can protect your smile, contact Blauer Family Dental at 1440 N 10th Street, Spearfish, SD, or call 605-702-4238 to schedule a consultation with our experienced Spearfish dentists today.